This blog entry is unconfirmed/unofficial info… I have not seen or
confirmed this myself but heard it from a few sources tonight. I’ll
take a walk tomorrow with my camera and check it out for myself and
take a few photos so you can see for yourself.
This is the word on the street – from the Torrey Road to be exact! The neighbors
report… A red truck from Charlton Fence came in and added more fence
to extend the cage around the dam controls. Remember the dam owner reported
two incidences of vandalism to the spillway controls this past month.
Funny, that in 25 years, this is the first vandalism I’ve heard of or seen – except for couple painted signs.
Anyway, seems the dam owner is trying to secure everything here in
Massachusetts: the mill is empty, the contents sold, the staff reduced
to one or two and the whole package – mill and three dams – is up for sale. But while they are waiting for just the right buyer for the mill or a dam or two, they need to further button things up, limit the liability, tie up the loose ends until it can be sold in whole or in parts.
Too bad our water level, properties, businesses, and front yards are their loose ends!
Water is still flowing out to Steven’s. Tonight at about 5:30 when I drove up Parker Road, there was still a good flow coming from the dam. It didn’t look like any boards had been put in, yet. We’re hearing boards are going in, but only time will tell how
many. I’m hoping a few boards go in before the rain!
The MPA has another Board of Directors meeting this week to discuss the waterlevel.