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Manchaug Pond … your cause and ours!
Manchaug Pond Foundation ... protecting and enhancing a beautiful resource !
Your membership, your time, your expertise, your support ~ all make the difference here in this corner of the world!The Manchaug Pond Foundation (MPF) is the only organization dedicated exclusively to the preservation of Manchaug Pond. Staffed 100% by volunteers and operating at the grassroots level, Manchaug Pond needs you!
Our efforts and activities range from advocacy and education, watershed and lake conservation, shoreline, ramp and roadside cleanups, water quality monitoring, testing and action, weeds surveys, fundraising, grant writing and management, community outreach and more.
Membership Donation
Your membership donation makes all the difference! Stand in support of Manchaug Pond.
GiveRace Sponsorship
Support our annual The DAM Race 5K Run, 3K Health Walk community event and fundraiser!
We need you! Click for a list of opportunities where help is needed. Serve on the Board, a team, a project, attend an event. We want you!
ContactThere are many ways you can get involved with the Manchaug Pond Foundation:
- Become a MEMBER!
- Attend one of our EVENTS. See what’s coming up next.
- Be a VOLUNTEER! Help with our Water Quality initiatives!
- Help out at FUNdrai$ing events.
- Make a DONATION in any amount , in memory or in honor of a loved one, or to one of our causes.
- WRITE, PHOTOGRAPH, or ADVERTISE for the next issue of Splash! our newsletter.
- SPONSOR our website.
- Participate in a FUNDRAISER.
- Head-up or join a Committee or TEAM.
- Research and/or write GRANTS.
Stay Informed
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- Subscribe to our website news for the latest updates about our work and Manchaug Pond.
- Contact us today! or Join or renew your membership today!
Corporate Sponsorship
Become a sponsor of Manchaug Pond: Put your company, organization, or family in the Manchaug Pond spotlight!
There are many ways you can support Manchaug Pond through the MPF:
Website: Put your company logo on our front page – bold for all to see through sponsorship of our website.
Newsletter: Advertise your business in Splash! our organization newsletter which comes out twice per year: March and August
The DAM Race: Get your company name and logo at the Start/Finish line and see your name/company logo in print on our runner t-shirt.
Matching Gift: Match your employee’s donation to the Manchaug Pond Foundation.
Contact us today!
Members Receive
~ Splash! the newsletter in their mailbox twice a year! 8 -12 pages of full color information on issues, best practices, and action on topics from water quality and aquatic plants to events and fundraising, watershed conservation, and more!

Here's a few past issues to give you a flavor of our newsletter:
Put on Your MPF!
Promote and give the gift of supporting Manchaug Pond and our work together as the Manchaug Pond Foundation! Click here to see more!