Press Release MPF Spring Cleanup April 27, 2024
Letter: Senator Ryan Fattman & Re. Joseph McKenna to Douglas Board of Selectman Chair Kevin Morse and Sutton Select Board Chair Anderson, February 21. 2024, BlueWave Solar and The Douglas and Sutton Conservation Commissions.
Letter: Adam, Kautza, Coldwater Fisheries Project Leader, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife to Manchaug Pond Foundation, January 19, 2024, UNT Coldwater Fishery to Manchaug Pond, Douglas.
Galeone, Christine. "Seasonal splendor and conservation efforts reflected in Manchaug Pond." Blackstone Valley Xpress [Grafton, Millbury, Sutton], 23 October, 2020, http://theyankeexpress.com/sites/default/files/newspaper/BVX%20October%2023%202020.pdf.
Henry, Marty Jo. "Fall Clean-up of Manchaug Pond." Blackstone Valley Xpress, [Grafton, Millbury, Sutton], 23 October, 2020, http://theyankeexpress.com/sites/default/files/newspaper/BVX%20October%2023%202020.pdf.
Governor Charles D.Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn E. Polito to Manchaug Pond Foundation, 21 October, 2020 s. 319 Nonpoint Source Competitive Grants Program.
Manchaug Pond Foundation. (2020, October 13). Fall Cleanup [Press Release]. Retrieved from Marty Jo Henry, Clerk.
Quadros Bowles, Sandy. "The eagles have landed in the state." The Yankee Xpress, [Grafton, Millbury, Sutton], 10, March, 2020. http://theyankeexpress.com/print/content/eagles-have-landed-state
Manchaug Pond Foundation. (2020, September). Road Race and Health Walk To Benefit Manchaug Pond [Press Release].