Get your sneakers and come out to the Manchaug Pond shoreline for The DAM Race 5K Run & 3K Health Walk! […]
Hobby Farming with Our Water Resources in Mind: STORMWATER
Posted March 13, 2024 We all live in a watershed (the area of land that drains into a certain waterbody like Manchaug Pond), so our daily activities at home, around the lake, at the campsite, and at the barn are something we need to think about when it comes to the lake and clean water. You may be surprised to learn that just like our lawns and landscapes, hobby farms can be a potential source of water pollution. Heavy rain storms can cause fertilizers, animal manures, and sediment to be carried into the lake, streams and wetlands. Fertilizers cause excessive aquatic plant growth and algae blooms while animal manures not only act as organic fertilizers but also carry bacteria and sediment. So, what can you do? Learn more… check out this first in a series of newsletters geared to small farms and animal owners… Click the icon for a PDF of Fact Sheet 2.1: How Can Hobby Farms Be Sources of Stormwater Pollution? and visit our Hobby Farm website page and our Hobby Farm Facebook group for more information ________________________________ This project has been financed with Federal Funds from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Massachusetts Department of …
Hobby Farming With Our Water Resources in Mind!
Posted March 6, 2024 We love our animals, gardens and pastures in the Manchaug Pond watershed – especially horses, donkeys, beef cattle, sheep, and chickens! A 2020 watershed survey found close to 30 small hobby farms dot the landscape in this corner of Sutton, Douglas and Oxford. With water quality in mind, the Manchaug Pond Foundation is offering two new outreach programs to small farmers as part of a s.319 Nonpoint Source Pollution grant received from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. ~ The first is a series of 24 newsletters and 12 podcasts – Hobby Farming with Water Quality in Mind. Our series is “for owners of ‘Hobby Farms’ – small scale farms operated primarily as a residential lifestyle – to provide their owners with the tools to develop and operate an environmental-friendly farm and promote responsible stewardship of both land and the environment.” Each Wednesday for the next 24+ weeks, we will release a newsletter on a topic of interest to backyard gardeners and animal owners which offers best management practices, options and solutions to farm and raise animals with our lake, streams and wetlands in mind. Topics will go the gamut from planning your farm to understanding …
SAVE THE DATE: Lake & Watershed Cleanup!
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, April 27, 2024 for the Annual Spring Lake & Watershed Cleanup ! Manchaug Pond Foundation invites all to spring into action for […]
Tonight – on the agendas…. Central Turnpike Study & Solar Construction Site
Happy New Year Friends – 2024 has come in with a bang! Upcoming meetings on two issues of concern to you as a member of the Manchaug Pond Foundation with look at the area traffic and the water quality of […]
Reports Detail Solar Construction Site Runoff/Erosion into Sutton Wetlands and Manchaug Pond- Headwaters of Mumford River
Are you furious or crying for our Manchaug Pond? Severe erosion into Manchaug Pond from Oak Street […]
CALLING ALL TO ATTEND: Sutton Conservation Commission Mtg – 45 Oak St/BlueWave Solar, Douglas
CALLING ALL TO ATTEND! In-person or on Zoom – Sutton Conservation Commission meeting, Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 6:30 pm. BlueWave Solar 45 Oak St, Douglas project needs to work to restore and protect Manchaug Pond and […]
CALLING ALL TO ATTEND: Douglas Conservation Commission Mtg – BlueWave Solar on the Agenda
The Douglas Conservation Commission meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 7:00 pm will include an update of the BlueWave Solar project’s re-design of failed infiltration basins […]
Tomorrow! Social & Volunteer Open House
Start the season on Manchaug Pond with the Social & Volunteer Open House! Catch up with lake neighbors and friends over a cup of coffee and pastry. Families, new friends, neighbors and lake users are welcome. As usual, we’ll come together in the Dining Hall of the YMCA Camp Blanchard facility on Manchaug Pond from 9:30 to about 11:00 a.m. or so on Saturday, June 17th. Over coffee and pastry catch up with lake friends and neighbors. Learn more about our lastest efforts for Manchaug Pond and the watershed. Our Vice President and s.319 Non-point Source Pollution Grant Coordinator will have an detail display of our roadside and ramp work. Bring the family as activities for children will be offered including Facepainting with Christine Z from 10-11. Check out MPF Logo Gear on sale which includes a wide variety of apparel and Manchaug Pond themed items from cribbage boards to baseball hats, tee shirts to fleece … lake photos, wood Lake Art to order, playing cards, mugs, and more! Purchase your flares for the Lighting of the Shoreline, July 3rd at 9:00 p.m. or as Safe Boating equipment for your vessel. Register, sponsor, and volunteer for this year’s The DAM …
Manchaug Pond Indigenous People and Arrowheads in Tonight’s Sutton Historical Society Presentation
Posted April 4, 2023 Sharing this Sutton Historical Society event notice received this morning by a member of the Manchaug Pond Foundation. At the event, the Society will display a collection of arrowheads from Harry Anderson, a longtime Manchaug Pond resident, historian, and member of our organization. Information about Manchaug Pond history, maps, and an article from Mr. Anderson are also featured on our About the Lake page. Here’s the Sutton Historical Society email notice: Tonight, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 7 pm, the Sutton Historical Society will host a presentation entitled Lithic Studies – Native Americans in Southern New England with speaker Joe Iamartino, President, Thompson Historical Society. The presentation will be held in the Sanctuary of the First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, Sutton, MA. Mr. Iamartino has been suddenly called out of town. The powerpoint will be shown in the Sanctuary with Mr. Iamartino calling in to present his powerpoint. There is not a ZOOM component to this presentation, and it will not be recorded. Additionally, the Society will have on display a collection of Native American arrowheads found by Harry Anderson over many years along the Manchaug Pond Shores, and past newsletters containing articles about the indigenous peoples …
Members’ Annual Business Meeting
Calling all members… it is time for the ANNUAL Business MEETING of the Manchaug Pond Foundation! Saturday, August 31st at YMCA Camp Blanchard with coffee and pastry at 9:30 a.m. with business to begin at 10:00 […]
Coffee Social & Volunteer Open House!
Get together at the Members’ Social for good conversation over a cup of coffee and pastry to open the Manchaug Pond summer season […]