2017 Members’ Social and 50th Celebration
Start the season on Manchaug Pond with the Social & Volunteer Open House! Catch up with lake neighbors and friends over a cup of coffee and pastry. Families, new friends, neighbors and lake users are welcome.
As usual, we’ll come together in the Dining Hall of the YMCA Camp Blanchard facility on Manchaug Pond from 9:30 to about 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 17th.
- Over coffee and pastry catch up with lake friends and neighbors.
- Bring the family as activities for children will be offered including Facepainting with Christine Z from 10-11.
- Learn more about our lastest efforts for Manchaug Pond and the watershed.
- Our Vice President and s.319 Non-point Source Pollution Grant Coordinator will have an detail display of our roadside and ramp work.
- Check out MPF Logo Gear on sale which includes a wide variety of apparel and Manchaug Pond themed items from cribbage boards to baseball hats, tee shirts to fleece … lake photos, wood Lake Art to order, playing cards, mugs, and more!
- Purchase your Flares for the Lighting of the Shoreline, July 3rd at 9:00 p.m. or as Safe Boating equipment for your vessel.
- Register, sponsor, and volunteer for this year’s The DAM Race 5K Run and 3K Health Walk.
- Participate in the 50/50 raffle to benefit Manchaug Pond with a lucky winner taking home the cash!
Pay your dues or come talk with our Membership Secretary about joining the Manchaug Pond Foundation to be part of the continued effort of advocacy, education and action in the preservation of Manchaug Pond and its watershed! Come early and stay late: Bring a dish, help with setup and cleanup, sign up for a committee, offer a new idea, or just come in to say hello, buy a hat, and have a coffee!
Many years ago, members Bob and Jacquie organized the first social with the idea of just coming together over a cup of coffee at the start of the summer season to renew friendships and catch up after the winter season.
See you Saturday! Renew/join today making your tax-deductible dues
donation online or send in to Manchaug Pond Foundation, P.O. Box 154, Manchaug, MA 01526-0154.
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