Calling all members… it is time for the ANNUAL MEETING of the Manchaug Pond Foundation!
Saturday morning, August 31st at the Dining Hall of the YMCA Camp Blanchard, Manchaug Road in Sutton on the shores of our beautiful lake, we will hold our annual business meeting over coffee and pastry! Pay your dues online today or at the door to attend! Coffee is on at 9:30 AM with business meeting starting at 10:00 AM.
Agenda to include:
Highlighted is a display board on our 319 Non-point Source Pollution Grant Phase 1-3 work for Manchaug Pond and the watershed, our clean water monitoring equipment as well as educational/informational material on water quality, safe boating, and more!
Purchase or order your MPF Gear: Exclusive MPF Lake Art, logowear fleece, hooded sweatshirts, baseball hats, lake photos, and more will be on sale as well as flares for the Labor Day weekend Lighting of the Shoreline.
If you haven’t already, secure your membership taking a moment to make your tax-deductible dues donation online or mail to Manchaug Pond Foundation, P. O. 154, Manchaug, MA 01526.
All donations small and large are greatly appreciated and contribute to our important work for Manchaug Pond.
See you then!