Posted July 3, 2021
Independence Day ~ Happy Fourth of July, 2021!
We’ll see you out on the lake for a red, white and blue sunset cruise as we celebrate Independence Day together here on Manchaug Pond!
LIGHTING OF THE SHORELINE: Let’s go with a rain date of Sunday, July 4th, 9:00 p.m.
Join in solidarity with the Manchaug Pond Foundation in the Lighting of the Shoreline with flares, Tiki torches, and campfires, lighting up your waterfront or campsite showing solidarity with the Manchaug Pond Foundation. With rain continuing to fall today on Manchaug Pond, let’s save the lighting for Sunday, July 4th, at 9:00 p.m.
A long-standing tradition begun over 40 years ago, setting the shoreline of Manchaug Pond aglow for July 4th and Labor Day celebrations, the practice was suggested at the 1974 Manchaug Pond Association Annual Meeting by member Professor Robert Nunnemacher after experiencing the practice at a lake in New York and loving the effect. The membership unanimously voted that day to bring the practice to Manchaug Pond where it has been a tradition ever since.
Flares may be purchased from the Manchaug Pond Foundation from a Board member or by contacting us or through our online store. Delivery to your dock or waterfront camp/campsite.
Although Eco-environmentally friendly, if you are using traditional flares, after burning please dispose of the remaining salt-like substance and metal wire in the trash as this could pose a contamination risk to water quality and safety.
Keep the holiday festive and safe!
On-Lake POKER RUN: Sunday, July 25th, 1:00 p.m. 
Be a Member – Renew or Join!
Not a member of the Manchaug Pond Foundation or haven’t paid your 2021 dues yet this year? It’s tax-deductible! Make your donation online today, or send us your email for an electronic invoice, or use the post office to mail payment to MPF, PO Box 154, Manchaug, 01526.
Our bylaws requires the annual membership fee be paid prior to the August 21st Annual Meeting of the Members in order to allow full participation. Your contributions of time, talent and treasurer are invaluable to our work as a 100% volunteer-based non-profit organization!
Celebrating over 50 years of advocacy and action for Manchaug Pond!
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