MPF President David Schmidt signs final documents preserving 100 acres for Manchaug Pond.
Treasurer Andrew Mosher at left and attorney James Vevone look on.
The signing of final papers by MPF President Dave Schmidt and his report of “done deal!” marks the end of a gallant and incredibly successful and intense effort to preserve 100 acres of Manchaug Pond watershed with 875 ft of shoreline. MPF ownership of the Beaton property has been realized.
The current tenants and agricultural use will remain long-term, complimenting the neighborhood’s focus of agriculture, and preserving the current use. No sale, no development, and contrary to reports by the Telegram, no thoughts or plans for a visitor’s center by the MPF – respect to the privacy of our tenants and preservation of the natural state of the property to enhance Manchaug Pond and the watershed is our sole focus.
Our deepest gratitude:
- to the MPF Board of Directors – 20 individuals whose vision, leadership and hard work make Manchaug Pond a better place.
- to the Sutton Town Administrator and Board of Selectman for giving us their right of first refusal and the chance to try our hand at the conservation of this significant parcel.
- to the seller for accepting our purchase and sales agreement on not just the 73 acres of Chapter 61A land but the entire 100 acres.
- to our legal team at Seder & Chandler who kept up and helped us pulled off “the improbable, if not impossible,” all within deadline: Attorneys Todd Rodman, James Vevone and Judge Mel Greenberg.
- to Telegram reporter Mark Blazis and Susan Spencer for getting the word out early stressing the importance and urgency of our effort to the wider community.
- to the many who called bringing words of encouragement, options, and finally the funds needed for success.
- to our gracious and most generous donors: our “white knights” whose selfless acts of great generosity enrich our community and made this preservation possible.
- to our MPF Board of Directors and members, old and new, who make our organization a true and formidable advocate and steward of Manchaug Pond.
- to future donors who will help us with the necessary funds of closing costs, etc and the tools to be good stewards of this property.
All 100 acres of watershed spanning two towns with 875 feet of shoreline has been preserved – no sale! no development! All to enhance the water quality and environment of Manchaug Pond.
Bravo Manchaug Pond Foundation!