The dam owner has requested a postponement of the Notice of Intent continuance meeting with the Sutton Con Comm to November 5th. I will let everyone know when they post the time. Please let interested people in your area know of this.
5-Nov-2008 Wednesday CONTINUATION OF SUTTON CONSERVATION COMMISION PUBLIC HEARING for Notice of Intent filed by Manchaug Reservoir Corp. to lower waterlevel of Manchaug Pond. Location: Sutton Town Hall, Uxbridge Road, Sutton. Meeting starts at 7:00 P.M. with agenda posted 5 days prior. All interested persons are encouraged to attend. Written testimony and concerns about the impact to Manchaug Pond wetlands, coves, and wildlife, etc. can be submitted anytime to the Sutton Conservation Commission, Sutton Town Hall, Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA 01590.