Posted April 13, 2022
Hello everyone! Manchaug Pond’s waterlevel is up, the spring peepers are singing in the coves and wetlands, and the boats are already making waves! We’re ready for the warm summer season!
Through the winter months, the Manchaug Pond Foundation Board of Directors has met regularly with our organization advocating and taking action in a number of local, regional, and state arenas to raise awareness, and secure support and fiscal resources to benefit the health of Manchaug Pond and it watershed. As headwaters/ a major contributor to the Mumford River, as a recreation and tourism destination, and as a valuable water resource of the Commonwealth, Manchaug Pond is significant.
In serving, I’ll be providing regular updates as to our efforts and accomplishments together and opportunities for you to make a difference!
Tonight, April 13th at 6PM, the Town of Sutton will hold an information-seeking meeting to discuss the river’s flow through the village of Manchaug: the dams, the ponds, and the flows which impact the village community. The goal is to pursue a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant to identify existing issues and then create a plan and prioritize solutions and improvements which could include dam repair, drainage fixes, waterway access, and more…
The meeting is being held at the Manchaug Mills, 2nd Floor Common Area (entrance at 6 Whitins Rd). For more information or questions, contact Sutton Town Planner Jennifer Hager at 508-865-3729.
All are invited to be part of the Annual Spring Lake & Watershed Cleanup on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 9 AM to Noon with a rain date the following day. Volunteers are needed to canvas the lake shoreline, public boat ramp, and watershed roadsides to remove litter and other potential threats to water quality. Gloves and trash bags are provided. Refreshments, good company and the fresh beauty of Manchaug Pond will make for a great morning! Educational information available.
LET’S DO IT!: VOLUNTEER: Construct wood duck nesting boxes, write an article for the newsletter, construct a kiosk, attend an event, consider a role as a citizen scientist, head up a fundraiser… As you know, the Manchaug Pond Foundation is an all-volunteer, nonprofit public organization whose members have a long history (since 1967) of diligently working together to protect and enhance the beautiful 380 acre water resource – Manchaug Pond.
Today, I ask you to consider getting involved– more minds and hands make our reach that much stronger and more effective. Contact me through the website contact button, support through membership, attend the annual cleanup and we’ll talk, and watch for opportunities to make a difference!
FOR MEMBERSHIP: Current members with email received an electronic membership renewal/donation pledge April 10th – please continue your support! Paper renewals will be in the mail soon. Otherwise, consider joining via our website or send a tax-deductible donation to MPF, PO Box 154, Manchaug, MA 01526. New members and friends welcome! A welcome packet will be headed your way!
NEXT updates to watch for…
- Educational opportunities and technical assistance for watershed hobby farms (Horses, Donkeys and Chickens?! Oh My!)
- Grants secured for the lake and watershed
- A call for a used 24′ or so pontoon boat/deck for our developing D.A.S.H. program
- and Manchaug Pond’s new STREAM TEAM and Water Quality Testing Lab!
Enjoy Manchaug Pond!
Phyllis Charpentier, President