Posted July 6, 2019

Follow the 28 ft, Support Our Troops Flag Ship, with Captain David Charpentier
Keep the celebration going! Your entry is needed for the annual parade!
The July 4th celebrations continue to be wonderful on Manchaug Pond – from the Lighting of the Shoreline on the 3rd, to the eagle soaring over the lake the morning of the 4th, cookouts with family and friends all day, and the lights of over 80 boats that evening watching the amazing shoreline festivities! The spirit of patriotism and celebration is huge on Manchaug Pond!
Ending the week, Manchaug Pond Foundation is sponsoring the 10th Annual BOAT DECORATING CONTEST and Parade tomorrow, Sunday, July 7th starting at 1:00 p.m. All are invited to enter their vessel for judging or just pull up in line to join the fun!

The parade of entries in a past event!
Manchaug Pond has a long history of boaters flying Old Glory, and blowing horns, trumpets and other noise makers in celebration! All boats both big and small, decorated or not, are welcome to join. Past competitors have decorated everything from pedal boats and kayaks, to rowboats and jetskiis, to bowriders and pontoon boats. After the Judges’ Boat has had a good look at all the entries, the 28 ft. Support Our Troops Flag Ship will lead us around the lake for a slow cruise allowing full viewing of your artistically decorated and enthusiastic executed entry giving both the judges and all shoreline and roadside spectators a sight to remember! If you don’t want to be eligible for prizes, recognition, and most of all, bragging rights, you can skip the registration and simply join in the fun! Please hop in your boat and pull up as we go by or just cheer from the shore!
Register your entry here: Website Contact Button providing the Captain’s name, telephone #, boat make & model, and decorating theme. You’ll receive a confirmation email with your entry number which must be prominently displayed on both sides of your vessel, visible to the judges.
Awards and cash prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners at the August 24th Annual Meeting of the Members. Winning entries will be notified by phone and posted here on the website.
Visit our Pinterest Boards to view past entries and get ideas from other lakes, and our Website Gallery page for photos of past Manchaug Pond July 4th celebrations.
So register today, happy decorating and Happy Birthday U.S.A.!
Over 50 years of advocacy and action for Manchaug Pond!
Manchaug Pond Foundation In. is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization of volunteers dedicated to the welfare and correct use of Manchaug Pond and its watershed. In advocacy, education and action we work together as stewards of Manchaug Pond’s water quality, dam and waterlevel, watershed conservation, native wildlife habitats, safe boating and more.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Federal Tax ID # 32-0303891
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