Posted October 27, 2017
Let’s do it! – A clean up event for a great cause and in beautiful weather and during autumn foliage season.
Join the Manchaug Pond Foundation Board of Directors, members, and friends tomorrow morning, Saturday, October 28, 2017 in a fall clean-up event of the Manchaug Pond watershed. We’ll be out in force picking up the lake’s coves and shoreline, watershed roadsides, and public access boat ramp of litter and potential threats to water quality. Meet anytime from 9 AM to 12:00 Noon at the State Boat Ramp on Torrey Road in Sutton to team up with others, get gloves and garbage bags, and grab some refreshment and conversation.
In cooperation with the Town of Sutton Highway Department and in continued support of a completed Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) S. 319 Non-point Source Pollution Grant, educational information on residential Low Impact Development (LID) techniques such as landscaping with buffer zones and rain gardens to limit runoff of fertilizer nutrients and pet and livestock wastes will be offered to participants as made possible by the water quality grant. As all live in a watershed, additional resources for educators, students, lake visitors and residents are also made available at the Foundation’s website or at the MassDEP’s new Massachusetts Clean Water Toolkit at The Manchaug Pond Foundation’s educational events look to improve the water quality within the watershed and at the picturesque 380 acre community lake, ensure public safety, and promote healthy wildlife habitats and corridors which lie within the towns of Douglas, Sutton and Oxford through the education of the many users and watershed residents. Rain date is Sunday, October 29th.
For more information contact Marty Jo Henry, Coordinator at Special thanks to the Town of Sutton for assistance in making this a successful event!