Sutton Town Meeting TONIGHT has article(s) of interest to the friends of Manchaug Pond. No problems are anticipated with their passage. If you can attend, here’s the details:
Sutton’s Annual Town Meeting
May 10, 7:30pm
Sutton High School – Romasco Gym
Check the link for a message from the town administrator and a full list of the articles on the warrant for consideration.
Article 12:
MANCHAUG BOAT RAMP BUDGET: Annual appropriation for boat ramp – allows for gatekeeper and port-o-let. Gate receipts actually fund the line item.
Article 14:
HYDROPOWER: With 17 dams in town and all the talk last year over the Manchaug Pond dam and the importance of its water, the Town Administrator asked the Planning Board to develop and propose a zoning bylaw change which would allow for small installations. A public hearing was held April 12 with no individuals speaking in opposition. (also no dam owners in attendance either!)
The change will allow small hydropower generation in all districts and require dam owners to apply for a special permit before the Planning Board. Because of proximity to wetlands, filing with the Conservation Commission will also be required.
TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S MESSAGE also notes the preservation of the Whittier’s Farm nearly 400 acres – a very important step in preservation of open space and wildlife corridors in the Manchaug Pond watershed and couple this with the existing preservation of the Waters Farm property, Stevenson Farm and the Lake Manchaug Greenway and Wildlife Corridor.