Yes, yes! You are correct. The T & G file photo appearing on the front page of the local section of the Sunday Telegram is NOT on, in or near Manchaug Pond. See for yourself:
Captioned: “The old dam sits in the middle of Manchaug Pond.”
With all those trees, and other green leafy growth, it makes you wonder if the reporter and editor have ever been in the middle of a 380 acre pond. Usually when you are in the middle of a pond you are surrounded by water…
… but then there are 17 dams in the town of Sutton alone so it could be difficult choosing a file photo of the correct dam.
Our next post will look at photos of the dams on this end of the Mumford River including photos of Manchaug Pond’s dam. I’ll see if I can find the old dam that sits in the middle of the pond.