Sutton Public Hearing on DOCK REGS – Last Night!

Sorry to report this after the fact but I didn’t know about the Hearing
until it was too late! I guess I need to subscribe to the Millbury-Sutton Chronicle to get the Public Hearing announcements.

The Sutton Conservation Commission held a public hearing last night as part
of their agenda to accept comments on new, more stringent changes they
are proposing to current state dock regulations. The hearing began at
8:00 p.m. with 45 people attending in the room and more flowing into the hall.
Discussion was lively and pointed with those speaking identifying themselves
from Lake Singletary. The outcome seemed to be that the Conservation Commission wants people to voluntarily come to them – they do not want to be strict enforcers. It was decided that the public hearing was continued to November 7th with time to be posted in the Town Hall, and an October 10th workshop of a small group (not identified at this time) would be held to discuss this informally was scheduled to work on the language. The next Conservation Commission would discuss proposed regulations on
trees,abutter notification and fertilizer use.

Co-chairman Mark Briggs carried the hearing with the following changes presented as a handout:

“Sutton Conservation Commission Policy on New Docks

Docks must be located 25 feet from property lines or for properties less than 50 feet wide in a central location.

Docks may be no further than 30 feet into the water measured from the high water mark.

Docks may be no larger than 300 sq. feet.

All applications must be accompanied by a complete plan to scale.

Permits for Docks:
For a new Temporary or removable dock:

Applicant must file a Request for Determination with the Conservation
Commission even if there is no bank disturbance or a Notice of Intent
if the bank area is disturbed. A permit is not required to remove
Temporary Docks in and out of the water.
For a Permanent Dock or Permanent Bank Alteration:

Applicant must file with the Conservation Commission and must file a
Chapter 91 Waterways License Application with the State. Permanent
structures are subject to MGL Ch. 131 Section 40. Bank disturbance may not exceed the lesser of 5 % of frontage or 25 feet.

All docks must have permanent reflectors on each corner.

A Chapter 91 Waterways license is required for all anchored in-water, off shore floating, swimming docks or pontoon structures.

There may not be more than one dock per parcel.

This policy shall not serve to diminish the requirements of MGL or 310 CMR
9.00 but may be applied more stringently as reserved herein. the
Commission may grant certain variance(s) with cause or hardship to this
Regulation. This policy shall not apply to existing or an/or licensed
docks before October 1, 2007. For any substantial repair with major
alteration. A Request for Determination or Notice of Intent shall be
filed with the Commission.

For further information, contact Mark Briggs at 508-865-8728, leave message.

At the next meeting of the Commission, they will propose the following changes to regulations as described in their handout:
Cutting—All trees 5 inches or greater which are felled or are or to
be cut in any jurisdictional area be replaced in kind with planting(s)
of 2 1/2 inch stock or greater.

Abutter Notification—All Applicants must notify any/all abutters within 300 feet of Any property corner or line when filling any application required under MGL.

application of fertilizer on any lawn, landscaping, garden, orchard,
Filed or within 100 feet of any resource area or 200 feet any body of
water be 15-0-5 zero phosphate, slow release.

The MPA Board of Directors will review and keep you posted! The MPA
has presented the dock regulations to the membership in the past and
had full discussion/education at past Annual Meetings and in the