boat ramp

Manchaug Pond Boat Ramp Repaving ~ Invitation for Bid

Posted March 7, 2024

Continuing our efforts to improve and protect the water quality of Manchaug Pond, this spring you will see more work completed at the state public access boat ramp thanks to the Manchaug Pond Foundation’s Phase III s.319 Nonpoint Source Pollution grant from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). This third grant brings EPA funds to the watershed totaling near $300,000 plus a match by the crew of Town of Sutton Highway Department, your paid ramp fees, and Manchaug Pond Foundation volunteers.

Last year, 4 new catch basins were installed by Sutton Highway Department (DEP#303-0977) in the sloping parking lot and this year the asphalt will be renewed with special pervious asphalt on the two side wing parking areas.  These upgrades at the ramp in union with the past grants’ BMP (Best Management Practices) structures of a rain garden, swale and gabion dam, and pervious pavers will address stormwater running down the parking lot further capturing and filtering of pollutants.

1 of 4 Catch Basins installed at the State Boat Ramp funded by a MassDEP 319 NPS Pollution Grant of the Manchaug Pond Foundation

Currently, the Town of Sutton is seeking bids for the repaving work:

Town of Sutton
Invitations for Bid
Repave Manchaug Pond Boat Ramp at 22 Torrey Rd., Sutton, MA 01590 

Sealed bids are being solicited under MGL Ch 30 39m, for Repave Manchaug Pond boat ramp at 22 Torrey Rd., Sutton, MA 01590 accordance with specifications.

Specifications may be obtained at the Town Manager’s Office, Second Floor, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA 01590 or by Email at starting on Wednesday February 14, 2024 between 8:00am and 4:00pm each business day excluding Fridays when proposals may be obtained between 9:00am and 12:00noon, until scheduled opening of bid.
A non-mandatory pre-bid walk-through will take place on February 26 at 10 AM at the Manchaug boat ramp 22 Torrey Rd. Sutton, MA 01590.
Bids must be in duplicate and enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Town Manager, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA 01590 no later than 11:00am Thursday, March 14, 2024 at which time they will be opened and the winning bidder will be notified.
The town of Sutton reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the proposals received, or to reject any and all proposals, or to accept proposals deemed to be in the best interest of the town of Sutton.
The Town Manager will award the contract on behalf of the Town of Sutton no later than sixty (60) working days after the date of the bid opening.

James Smith
Town Manager


Want to get involved? Submit a bid! Attend our April 27th clean up! And/or help with upcoming mailings, water quality monitoring, educational newsletter articles, website posts, podcasts, and more. Contact us! Your volunteer time counts towards our required volunteer match supporting the Foundation’s Phase III s.319 Non-point Source Pollution Grant under the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) grant award. Manchaug Pond is a scenic 380 acre community water resource located in Sutton and Douglas. Manchaug Pond Foundation looks to improve the water quality with annual spring and fall cleanups, water quality monitoring and testing, watershed conservation, and through the education of watershed residents, lake visitors, and campers.

A display highlighting the focus of our s.319 Non-Point Source Pollution Phase III grant and educational information/publications will be offered April 27th at the Lake & Watershed Cleanup. As all of us live in a watershed, additional resources for educators, students, lake visitors, residents and hobby farmers are also available at the Manchaug Pond Foundation’s website or at the MassDEP Massachusetts Clean Water Toolkit at




This project has been financed with Federal Funds from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (the Department) under an s. 319 competitive grant. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of EPA or of the Department, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

Manchaug Pond Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of volunteers dedicated to the welfare and correct use of Manchaug Pond and its watershed.  In advocacy, education and action, we work together on issues and needs including water quality, dam and waterlevel, watershed conservation, priority habitat for endangered species, safe boating and public access.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Federal Tax ID # 32-0303891
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