Calling all Manchaug Pond fans! Join together for the Manchaug Pond Foundation Annual Meeting of the Members this Saturday morning, August 26, 2023 at the YMCA Camp Blanchard Dining Hall on Manchaug Road, Sutton.
Not yet a member? Jump in by joining online at or prior to the meeting.
Coffee and a light breakfast buffet will be offered at 9:30 a.m. with the business meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. This year’s agenda will include:
- a review our budget performance for 2022
- election of additional directors to the Board
- approval of a 2024 operating budget
- updates/reports on water quality monitoring and testing, advocacy in addressing boat ramp/public access issues, safe boating advocacy and education, invasive species monitoring and control, and watershed conservation
- news on unfinished and new initiatives including outreach to the membership, new secretary positions, purchase of a boat for the Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) program and upcoming events.
- and your questions, concerns, and suggestions!
Educational information and volunteer opportunities will be also be highlighted including water quality monitoring, safe boating, and our 319 Non-Point Source Pollution grant work around the lake and watershed. MPF Apparel & Gear will be sale: new tees – both youth and adult sizes in a variety of colors, Lake Art wall art, cribbage boards, matted photos, marine and LED flares and more! Also participate in the 50/50 Raffle, sign-up as a volunteer, and check out The Dam Race 5K Run, 3K Health Walk registration and sponsorships.

priority habitat for endangered species, safe boating and public access.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Federal Tax ID # 32-0303891