Manchaug Pond Clean-up This Saturday!

Posted October 22, 2020

Let’s do it – We need you to make this event for Manchaug Pond a success!

The Manchaug Pond Foundation is organizing the annual fall clean-up of Manchaug Pond and its watershed for Saturday, October 24, 2020 from 9 AM to Noon.

Volunteers are needed to canvas the lake and watershed to remove litter and other potential threats to water quality. We need you:

  • in boats to cover the lake’s coves and shoreline
  • walking the watershed roadsides
  • at the public access boat ramp
  • in pickup trucks to shuttle volunteers and pick up bags of trash

Go it alone or meet anytime from 9 AM to 12:00 Noon at the Public Access Boat Ramp at 22 Torrey Road in Sutton to team up with others, get gloves and trash bags, and grab some refreshment and conversation. We ask at the ramp that participants practice social distancing and wear the appropriate face mask. Community service completion sheets will be available for students, scout and church groups, and any others needing documentation of time donated to a great cause!

All are invited to join Manchaug Pond strong! If you plan to go it alone or with your own team, please Contact us! with the neighborhood or roadside(s) you will be addressing so that we can maximize the area covered. Also let us know of your time spent so we can utilize your volunteer hours to meet a required match in a recently awarded Non-Point Source Pollution Grants


Watershed roads, in whole or in part, included in the event (see map for details):

Douglas: Bigelow Rd., Hough Rd., Lakeshore Dr., Ledgestone Rd., Ledgewood Dr., Northwest Main St to the stop at Oak St., Parker Ct., Parker Rd., and Summer Ct.

Oxford: Buffalo Hill Rd., Douglas Drive, Douglas Pike, Douglas Rd., Sutton Ave., from Joe Jenny Road east to the town line, and Walters Dr.

Sutton: Boston Rd., Central Turnpike, Century Farm Rd., Douglas Rd., Glenn Ct., Holt Rd., Irma Jones Rd., Josefson Rd., Kart Rd., Lackey Rd., Manchaug Rd., Mendon Rd., Old Common Rd., Old Mill Rd., Parker Ct., Rich Rd., Sawmill Rd., Shore Dr., Torrey Rd., Town Farm Rd., Waters Rd., West Sutton Rd., to intersection at Town Farm Rd.

Special thanks to the Town of Sutton Highway Department and Transfer Station for their assistance in making this a successful event!Manchaug Pond Foundation

See you on Saturday!

The day promises to be beautiful with sunshine, autumn foliage and lake views – a perfect time to get outside and to join the effort of conserving Manchaug Pond.

Manchaug Pond Foundation

Contact us here via the website at