This Press Release was sent out last week so look for us in your local newspaper and be sure to put on your calendar!
NEWS from Manchaug Pond, Sutton/Douglas
P.O. Box 154, Manchaug MA 01526-0154
Manchaug Pond Foundation and a Green Bay Sail & Power Squadron volunteer help boaters stay safe
SUTTON, MA. JUNE 10, 2017 – With boating season under way, the Manchaug Pond Foundation is once again sponsoring a free Vessel Safety Check (VSC) for all interested boaters at the state boat ramp on Manchaug Pond, Saturday, June 10th between 9:00 AM and Noon, Torrey Road in Sutton. This is a no-cost, no-risk, courtesy inspection offered to all interested boaters of all ages. All types of vessels are eligible from paddleboards and pedal boats, to sail, kayaks and canoes, to personal watercraft and power boats.
Qualified Vessel Examiner Jim Arpin of the Greenwich Bay Sail & Power Squadron will help you make your vessel safe and legal. Did you know that a kayak, canoe, or pedal boat needs a whistle or horn? Or that any boat with a motor must be registered with the numbers displayed on the hull? Do you have life jackets for all on board? Jim will walk you through the rules and regulations for your vessel, point out both the required and recommended items to have aboard, such as fire extinguishers, life jackets, distress signals, and first aid kits, and also help provide a better understanding on the care and use of this critical equipment. If you are ever stopped by law enforcement, the Vessel Safety Check program can help prevent citations by ensuring your boat meets federal, state and local safety equipment requirements, such as the proper display of registration numbers and documentation. The examiner will also check for any basic mechanical problems, make sure registration and documentation are current, and offer information on a variety of boating safety issues.
The VSC is performed free of charge and without any penalties or legal obligations with the intent of educating and promoting safety. If a potential problem or violation is discovered, the Examiner will give the boater options and information for correcting it. You will NOT be boarded by a law enforcement official and no citations will be given at this event. It only takes a few minutes and is for your benefit and safety. It is a great opportunity to assure your motorboat, canoe, kayak or personal watercraft is safe with all the right equipment for a safe boating season.
Stop in with your boat(s) either by land or from the lake. Volunteers will be available to hold your boat at the dock during the check. In addition to one-on-one advice, all participating will receive a copy of a written checklist/evaluation sheet with which you can follow up with the suggestions where you see fit. Boats that pass will receive the 2017 decal to proudly display on the hull of their vessel. All welcome!
The Manchaug Pond Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, dedicated to the preservation and correct use of the 380 acre Manchaug Pond and its watershed located in the towns of Sutton, Douglas and Oxford. In advocacy and education, Manchaug Pond Foundation celebrate 50 years of action in 2017 addressing issues from water quality and waterlevel/dam issues, public access and safe boating, invasive species control, to wildlife and watershed conservation.
For information on Manchaug Pond Foundation visit and for more information on safe boating and vessel safety checks visit our Safe Boating page at
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