Today we celebrate Memorial Day, the unofficial start of the summer season here on Manchaug Pond with weekend cookouts and boat rides bringing together family and friends. But most importantly, many fly Old Glory, the flag of the United States of America, and remember in a special way those loved ones and the many who have served to keep us safe and free in preservation of our American quality of life.
As I write (7:48 A.M.), the gun salute is heard at Fuller Cemetery and beyond as the Legionnaires of Sutton’s Dudley Gendron American Legion Post #414 remember in a moment of silence in respect and gratitude pay tribute to those soldiers who lie just up from the shores of Manchaug Pond.
Enjoy this Memorial Day weekend, fly the flag at your dock, camp or lake house, and enjoy this picture sent in of a young man hoisting the flag on the shores of Manchaug Pond some 50 years ago. Post your photos #manchaugpond or send them in for the website, Like us on Facebook, and tell others to subscribe to this Manchaug Pond Foundation website and join!
For more information we offer links: Manchaug Pond Pinterest with our Patriotic Boards, about Memorial Day in history , President Trump’s Proclamation of this Memorial Day as a Day of Prayer for Permanent Peace and a call to fly the flag at half-staff this morning, and information on how to honor and display the symbol of our nation.
Memorial Day, May 29, 2017