New construction on Manchaug Pond, May 2015
Reminder for Sutton Voters – town meeting tonight!
Tonight, May 9, 2016, Sutton voters will be asked to vote on two articles which effect wetlands protection for lakes, streams and other water resources at town meeting to be held at The Sutton Middle/High School Auditorium, 383 Boston Road beginning at 7:00 PM. The entire warrant can viewed here, Spring 2016 Town Meeting Warrant, or on the town website.
Here are some specifics:
ARTICLE 14 Sponsored by the Sutton Conservation Commission:
To see if the Town will vote to amend the General Bylaws, Bylaw #12 Wetlands Protection, Section 12-12 Enforcement, by deleting subparagraph F. in its entirety and amending subparagraph G. by deleting strike through text and adding bold text, as follows:
F. Any person who violates any provision of this Bylaw, regulation thereunder, or permits or administrative orders issued thereunder, may be punished by a fine of not more than $300, beginning, at the C0mmission’s discretion, on the Day of Discovery. Each day or portion thereof during which a violation continues, or unauthorized fill remains in place, shall constitute a separate offense, and each provision of the Bylaw, regulations, permit or order violated shall constitute a separate offense. Fines may end when a written plan to restore the affected area has been presented or accepted by the Commission, or an application for Permit received.
G F. Non-criminal disposition-In-addition to the procedures for enforcement as described above, t The provisions of this Bylaw may also be enforced by non-criminal complaint pursuant to the provisions of MGL c.40, §21D and Section 19.2.2 of the Town General Bylaws. The enforcement agent shall be the conservation agent or designee ( e.g. Conservation Commissioner or consultant to the Commission) or police officer. The penalty for violation of any provision of this Bylaw, shall be $300 for the Day of Discovery, and each day the violation continues pursuant to subsection F above.
ARTICLE 17 Citizen Petition which seeks to totally replace the current law with the citizen’s version.
The proposed bylaw includes a reduction in the areas protected, new fees, and an increase in the fine amounts for filling in a wetland resource to $75/sq. foot per day whether accidental or not.
It should be noted that the current Sutton Wetlands Protection Bylaw was updated through the public hearing process and amended just last May 11, 2015.
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UPDATE from Town Meeting:
Article 14 amendment passed. Article 17 was withdrawn by the petitioner.
Read more in the Worcester Telegram or check Sutton TV Online to view the meeting.
Thank you to all who attended looking to protect Manchaug Pond and our water resources!