The Sutton Board of Selection’s five-year effort to alleviate the lack of cell phone coverage in the West Sutton area and beyond should benefit the Manchaug Pond watershed area by this fall. Currently, West Sutton, Oxford and Douglas have major dead cell zones in this area seriously affecting communication by and the safety of residents, seasonal campers, and visitors. The cell tower will be located on property formally owned by Whittiers Farm on Town Farm Road northwest edge of the lake watershed. The following is a statement provided by the Town of Sutton’s website:

Map notes lack of cell phone coverage (blue, red and bright yellow indicators) in the area. Pink indicator notes Manchaug Pond.
Town of Sutton executes lease for cell tower on Town Farm Rd
By Robert Fucci
SUTTON – In a 4-0 vote, the Board of Selectmen during its March 22 meeting agreed to a 10-year lease with Wireless Edge. With the agreement, a cell tower will be erected at Whittier Farm on Town Farm Road. “For five years you’ve been working on this,” Selectman Paul Maynard told Town Administrator James Smith. “I’m sure the residents will be very happy, the schools will be very happy, and with Jim’s guidance, it came through.”
Smith said Verizon has been interested in the tower site, inspecting it for the past five or six months. “I’m confident planning can start in May or June,” Smith said. “This has to go through the Planning Board and the Zoning Board. Assuming it goes smoothly, I’m hopeful to have a cell tower in the fall.”
Verizon will be the main carrier on the site, but there will be an opportunity for subtenants. “It’s a good deal,” Smith said. Selectman Jesse Limanek agreed. “I can’t imagine any reasonable-minded person will have any issue with this,” he said. “Having that tower there on an elevated part of town will hopefully eliminate most of the dead spots.”
Selectman Michael Kenney said the school system may benefit the most from the tower. “The importance of having cell service for the school in an emergency is a must,” he said. “To see this moving forward is a good step.”
The tower will go on a six-acre parcel of land. Sutton will receive $27,000 annually over the life of the lease. “I’m anxious to see this brought into working condition,” Vice Chair John Hebert said. Smith said the Whittier family was excited to see the cell tower.
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Our sincerest appreciation to the current Sutton Selectman and the Town Administrator for their expertise and perseverance in making this a reality for the area!