Do good by giving back to Manchaug Pond on Saturday, April 23rd in the towns of Sutton, Douglas, and Oxford by joining a watershed-wide cleanup event. Whether your a member or not, celebrate volunteering, Earth Day, and Manchaug Pond with a roadside spring walk with some great people who share a common goal of protecting our natural resources. Join the members and friends of the Manchaug Pond Foundation in the spring clean-up event of Manchaug Pond: its shoreline, roadsides, public access boat ramp, and the 4, 288 acre watershed.
Scheduled for Saturday, April 23, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, all will hit the pavement with garbage bags in hand to pick litter on the roadsides, break the waves with small boats and long arms to clean the shoreline, and with rakes and leaf blowers to tackle the ramp. Garbage bags, rubber gloves, refreshments, fresh air and blooming scenery will be provided!
Volunteers will meet at the Public Access Boat Ramp, 24 Torrey Road in Sutton or you can begin at a location of your choice. All are welcome especially community groups, fishing clubs, scout troops, and anyone interested in giving back in community service for an important cause. The event is held in cooperation with the Town of Sutton Highway Department and a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) S. 319 Non-point Source Pollution Grant Phase II Project for Manchaug Pond.
Educational information on residential Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Low Impact Development (LIDs) such as landscaping with buffer zones and rain gardens to limit runoff of fertilizer nutrients, and management of pet and livestock wastes will be offered to participants as made possible by the water quality grant.
This Manchaug Pond Foundation’s event looks to improve the water quality of the picturesque 380 acre community lake and water resource-rich watershed through the involvement of the general public, the many visitors and users, and watershed residents. Manchaug Pond lies within the towns of Douglas, Sutton and Oxford, is headwaters to the Mumford River which is a tributary of the Blackstone River system. Rain date is Sunday the 24th.
For more information contact Marty Jo Henry, Event Coordinator, at