Flying in to visit Manchaug Pond!

IMG_9768With a seaplane landing tonight on the lake and giving a great show as it circled and banked overhead, let’s highlight the Manchaug Pond Foundation website’s new page for those FLYING IN to Manchaug Pond!  It features the basic information needed by pilots as provided by the Seaplane Pilots Association about Manchaug Pond as well as a slide show all can enjoy of aircraft which have landed on her waters.  If you have a photo you would like to share, send it to us as we would love to include it!

Visit the Flying In page under Boating & Recreation or at

Steves-Plane-motorRMCFlying in to visit Manchaug Pond?

Be safe, check the regulations, and enjoy the view!


Waterway Regulations:
MANCHAUG POND – OPEN  – 380 acre great pond
Coordinates: N42-05.82; W071-46.55
Approximate Elevation: 517′ msl.
Notes: Cities of Douglas and Sutton, Massachusetts

*Information taken from the Seaplane Pilots Association.


For those on land, there is an excitement with the approach of a seaplane or ultralight as it circles Manchaug Pond. The sound of the engines are distinctive, causing many on the lake to grab their camera hoping to capture the sight.  Enjoy the following slide show of some of the various aircraft which visit the waters of Manchaug Pond and be sure to send in your photo to add to the collection!

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