99 Losing numbers/ducks in this year’s Big Spring Raffle to benefit Manchaug Pond.
Good coffee, delicious food, and so many great friends gathered on a sun-filled but cool morning on the shores of Manchaug Pond for this year’s Spring Social! What a way to start the day – with the Manchaug Pond Foundation!
This year’s opening event brought old and new lake and watershed neighbors and friends together for good conversation, a tremendous buffet breakfast of good home cooking and an exciting event for the benefit of Manchaug Pond and the important work of the Foundation.

Waiting for the winner in the drawing of the BIG Spring Raffle 2014 held at Camp Blanchard.
Providing edge-of-your seat suspense was the reverse raffle drawing! 100 little ducks with coordinating raffle numbers were drawn by 5 young children eliminating the losers of the contest.
The first loser drawn was #60 held by Brad Reardon and the last loser drawn was #83 Katrina Ringer.
Duck #43 proved to be the winner giving us our grand prize winner, little Linden David Hibbard and his mom. The Hibbard’s live on Manchaug Pond and joked they would have loved to have won last raffle’s pontoon boat and even the 55″ Bose theater system but took the money as they had promised to split the win with siblings.
The money from the fundraiser will be used by the Manchaug Pond Foundation to pursue efforts benefiting water quality, watershed conservation, invasive weed control and boating safety. Special thanks to all who supported this year’s event.

Big Raffle winner Linden Hibbard and his mom are presented a check for $4,000 by MPF President David Schmidt.