On this beautiful spring day, beginning with coffee, donuts and a bowl of fresh fruit, 21 volunteers joined forces at the state boat ramp on Torrey Road, Sutton today from 9:00AM to 2:00PM to fan out cleanning the roadsides, ramp and shoreline of Manchaug Pond.
Coordinated by the Manchaug Pond Foundation, the cleanup included trash pick up on roadsides including Lackey Road, Manchaug Road from Central Turnpike to Torrey Road, Torrey Road to Holt Road in Sutton and then on to Oak Street in Douglas.
A team with “heavy equipment” focused on the public boat ramp clearing branches from lawn areas, leaves and other debris from gutters, and trash from the property.
Cooperating in the effort was the town of Sutton Highway Dept. who supplied a town truck for disposal of the trash.
Volunteer hours will count toward our upcoming s. 319 Nonpoint Pollution Grant.
A couple cars also pulled up asking for information on the MPF and how they could join our efforts! As Sutton residents they loved the lake and enjoyed boating and one local family camps at a Manchaug Pond campground!
If you would like to be on the mailing list – email ManchaugPondSecretary@gmail.com with your name, address and email address and we’ll get you on our lists!
Welcome aboard!