An agreement concerning the Manchaug Pond state boat ramp has been worked out between MassWildlife and the town of Sutton. January 17, 2012 the Sutton Board of Selectman reviewed and approved the details as follows:
- Fee structure of $6 for in state and $12 for out of state users. (no change)
- User fees collected 24/7 (new- expands from seasonal weekends to daily, year round)
- Lockbox/honor system for collection (new)
- Police patrols, with fines for non-payment.
Discussion noted the fees as another revenue source for not only the maintainance of the ramp and quality of the lake but for the maintenance of the dam. “No dam, no need for the ramp.”
The Manchaug Pond Foundation is continuing to work closely with the town on this new arrangement.