Today a comic in the Telegram, Rhymes with Orange has three prisoners checking out the yard bulletin board for their work detail assignments with “Highway Clean Up,” “Farm Detail,” and “License Plates,” the only jobs posted… we see one inmate sighing “No canoeing or archery.”
This morning there is a beautiful cool breeze off the lake, with temperatures in the low 70’s.
Yesterday at mid-day and in full sun, that same thermometer showed 127.9 degrees. On Facebook, the Millbury-Sutton Chronicle asked, “Its the middle of summer and it’s hot, where are peole going to stay cool? Any suggestions?” One said Lake Singletary, the other Manchaug Pond.
Earlier this week and the past few weeks, Manchaug Pond’s water level and the future of the dam has been the topic of discussions at a number of meetings and conference calls. Your officers and directors from the MPA remain diligent on this issue.
Also the FUNdrai$ing Committee is planning a Halloween costume party and the 2nd annual DAM road race/walk. The purpose is not only to provide a great community social event but also to raise more money to continue our push to preserve the waterlevel and oppose the breach of the dam.
The MPA Board has formed a new committee to look into private grants sources and reports new members working on the newsletter, the August annual meeting, and the weed issue.
A second grant application was submitted to the state 319 Stormwater Grant program which looks at another 5 problem sites on Manchaug Pond which contribute to the fouling of our water quality and promote weed growth. We should hear late this year on whether or not Manchaug is selected to receive some of those federal Clean Water Act funds.
Thursday’s sunset on Manchaug Pond. |
Each and every one of you is personally invited to get involved – serve on a committee, work an issue, be a member or friend, attend an event. Let me know if you are interested, have a few moments to donate or need more information. Any donation to Manchaug Pond Foundation gets you on the mailing list. A newsletter is in the making as we speak. Use paypal or send a bit of a check to MPF, P.O. Box 154, Manchaug, MA 01526
The next blog posts will star more winners on Manchaug Pond: the winners of the BIG BOAT RAFFLE!, the winner of the grill raffle at King’s Family Campground, and more boats in the boat decorating contest! Tune in!