Over 50 runners/walkers/families with strollers have registered and will meet tomorrow at historic Waters Farm high in the Manchaug Pond watershed at the peak of fall foliage season to run for the Manchaug Pond Foundation.
Registration is a 8:30 am. Today the rain has stopped with the breeze bringing in lovely sunshine and blue skies!
Here are some photos from the archives of this beautiful and color-filled course!
What can you expect? Well, 30 volunteers (in safety green staff shirts) are gathering at 7:45AM to fan out along the course to ensure a safe and fun event!
Runners should plan to arrive at 8:30 for registration. Drop-off/parking is on the left before the house (look for sign). Check in with Pam and Allison at the registration table to receive your t-shirt and race bib/number (pin to the front- pins are provided).
The Starting Line and a boat air horn will start the race! Runners, walkers and strollers will set off down Waters Road, take a right onto Douglas Rd and another right on to Central Turnpike to approach the one mile mark. Volunteers will be at all road intersections to assist you. Right onto Manchaug Road will bring you past a wetlands in our watershed (where old beaver damage is evident), past Aldrich Mill Pond and Sutton Falls Camping, to
the 2 mile mark at our official THE DAM RACE Water/Medical Station at the Old Holbrook’s Place campground. This stop provides:
- cups of water,
- port-o-let/rest room,
- nurse,
- perhaps a band-aid or jelly bean or two
- and a couple volunteers on hand to assist you and cheer you on to the final leg of the race!
On the road again, you’ll run along the shore of Manchaug Pond, right at the water’s edge for a full view of this 380 acre lake. Don’t be surprised if you catch a glimpse of other reknown residents and visitors including white egrets, osprey, eagles, cormorants, red-tailed hawks and more!
Once you past the big rock and round the northeast corner of the lake you head up our little “heartbreak hill” to the YMCA Camp Blanchard and mile 3.
There’s a staffed water station at the top of the hill in the roadside parking area at the ball field.
Heading down hill,
stay straight onto Torrey Road,
past the state boat ramp
to bring the Finish Line in sight!
Oooo you’re almost home!
For your Victory Finish, our MPA President Dave Schmidt and other volunteers/nurse will congratulate you, take your photo, and log in your time!
A trophy will be awarded for the 1st place man and woman! Medallions for the 1st and 2nd place runners! and a hearty cheer and huge thanks for all who participated!
All are invited to Paul and Pauline’s on Holt Road (just a little cool down walk from the dam!) where hotdogs, chips and soda will be on sale ( $4 for the meal with all proceeds benefiting the MP Foundation), port-o-let, MPA logo t-shirts and hats on sale, pick up parking of friends/families cars or a shuttle ride back to Waters Farm and a few laughs over refreshments.
Port-o-toilets are located at Waters Farm, Holbrook’s campground and after the finish on Holt Road across from the King’s Store.
Nursing staff are located at Holbrooks and the finish line.
Pick up parking or shuttle to Waters Farm after the race is on Holt Road.
Sponsored by the Manchaug Pond Association. All proceeds benefit the establishment of a 501c3 nonprofit Manchaug Pond Foundation
Join us for THE DAM RACE to benefit the nonprofit Manchaug Pond Foundation. Day-of-the-race registration allowed – $30. THE DAM RACE t-shirts will also be on sale for $12 – first come first serve! Thank you for working with the MPA to preserve Manchaug Pond ~ the lake, the waterlevel, the wetlands, community access, and so much more. If you haven’t registered, show up tomorrow. We’d love to have you join us.