Here’s a heads up for all you faithful readers: there are ONLY 10 RAFFLE TICKETS LEFT – yes, only 10! – so if you’ve been meaning to email me about getting a ticket you had better do it right now! When the list of supporters/participants is posted – and your name or company is not listed – don’t say you didn’t have a chance!
So here we go – email: or or call George at 774-280-2328.
If you are in the area, we’ll deliver your tickets. If you are not, just let me know and we’ll hold your ticket. You can put your check, made payable to “Manchaug Pond Association”, in the mail to MPA, P.O. Box 154, Manchaug, MA 01526. I’ll send you your free chicken barbecue ticket and your raffle ticket!
We have received some wonderful responses and support! Here’s a few comments:
“This isn’t about winning a boat, its about supporting the lake.”
“My husband and I enjoy going to Manchaug Pond and would like to purchase
raffle tickets and attend the barbeque.”
“I need a ticket this time around so I’ll be on the list for next year!”
“Only 100 sold – I like those odds!”
“I’m onboard now!”
“If (we) did win, we would donate it right back to the MPA –
a good cause that could use some money 🙂 That’s the spirit of the event!”
“Can you do a blog entry on the sale of tickets? I want to call out the people who live on the lake … the association help them ….we all are here for everything this lake has to offer. EVERYONE needs to be part of this … It’s not about the boat, it’s not about the $8,000, it’s about OUR Lake…
“I am buying one to be patriotic…”
“This is such a wonderful thing you are doing… I used to camp on Manchaug Pond when I was a young girl and had to buy a ticket when I read it in the newspaper.”
“I need 2 and it would be nice if I won that boat!”
Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket to our first major fundraiser! Keep tuning in for more details on ticket sales, supporters, and the winner!