MARK YOUR CALENDAR! May 15th Cleanup!

Join the MPA Board of Directors and members for coffee, muffins and donuts, and a little outdoor work to benefit Manchaug Pond on Saturday, May 15th  for our twice a year CLEAN-UP!

If you’ve never participated you’ll be surprised as to what we find! These are the big three in roadside trash: McD’s, Dunkins, and then bottles of all flavors and strengths!

We hit the road!... by car and on foot with gloves and trash bags. Hit the Boat Ramp!… with wheelbarrows, tractors and leaf blowers and this year with paint brushes (we’re going to paint the ramp gate!) and we Hit the shore! in boats to just pile it in.

We’ll meet at the state boat ramp on Torrey Rd, Sutton at 9:00 am and work until noon. Come for the morning or come for an hour! Pick the task you like best and bring the buddy you like to work with most! or meet a new friend!

Thank you to the Sutton Highway Dept. for joining us in this effort with the use of the truck and to the Sutton Transfer Station for disposal of the trash collected and the the MassDEP 319 NonPoint Source Pollution Grant for Manchaug Pond.

All groups, clubs and individuals sure are welcome to join in! Gloves, trash bags and refreshments will be provided by the Manchaug Pond Association (MPA).