Blue skies, golden sunrise, no wind, low 40’s = great day for this first WEED Cleanup!
So get your MPA hooded sweatshirt or MPA fleece vest, a pair of work gloves and boots and a sharp shovel or pitch fork and meet Jim, Ted, Ray, Linda, David and the rest of the crew down at the boat ramp! Come by boat or vehicle. If you don’t know what to do, don’t worry – come anyway. If you don’t think we need you, you’re wrong we want YOU there!
Target: new infestations of common reeds, cattails, canary reed grass, and purple loosestrife growing along the shoreline… and if we think the floating waterlillies and watershield are getting to thick we can do some thinning there too! Jim has a truck lined up to haul it all away.
See you there!