Board of Selectmen Take Unanimous Vote to Oppose the Breaching of Manchaug Dam
At the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Tuesday July 7th, 2009 the Board of Selectmen unanimously adopted a resolution in opposition to the efforts of the Manchaug Reservoir Corporation to breach the Manchaug Dam.
The minutes show:
“Selectman Geraghty would like to vote on a resolution in regards to Manchaug Pond as follows: That we, the Sutton Board of Selectmen express in a clear manner our strong opposition to the attempt by Manchaug Reservation Corp. to breach the damn on Manchaug Pond. As a critical natural, recreational and environmental component to the watershed in Sutton and the greater Blackstone Valley the proposed breaching would create incalculable and irreversible damage to our community the Blackstone River Valley and our State, Selectman Chizy seconds the motion passes 5-0.”
The Board will be submitting written comments and encourages all that want to preserve Manchaug Pond and protect the environment to submit comments prior to July 14th, 2009.
Written Comments on Breaching of Manchaug Dam Due July 14th
If you are interested in preserving Manchaug Pond and preventing the tearing down of the Dam then Submit written comments to the State prior to July 14th to be heard.
Comments Should Reference EEA #14435 and be sent to:
Ian Bowles, Secretary
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
100 Cambridge St
Boston, MA 02114
An Environmental Notification Form has been submitted for this project. The project requires a mandatory Environmental Impact Report (EIR). According to MGL Chapter 30, Section 62, the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs must issue a determination as to what issues are to be included in the scope of the EIR.
Opinions as to the extent of the significance of possible environmental impacts will be welcome.
Additional comments will be welcome in writing prior to July 14, 2009.
Town of Sutton 4 Uxbridge Rd., Sutton, MA 01590
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