Meet the Wetlands Mystery Creature(s) – FROGS!

Thanks to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department website, I have identified the mystery singers: the Gray Tree Frog, and the twangy friend, the Green Frog! Here’s their info and photos from the website. Visit the NH Fish and Game yourself and listen to them sing! While you’re there, listen to the American Toad – I’ve heard that song before here at Manchaug Pond!

(Hyla versicolor)

Photo by Mike Marchand

State Rank Status: Widespread and secure

Distribution: Throughout NH except north of the White Mountains

Description: A small 1-2 inch frog usually a brownish gray or greenish color. The skin is rough with several dark spots. Usually a light spot with a dark edge below each eye. The inner thighs are bright yellow or orange

Commonly Confused Species: Spring peeper

Habitat: Forested areas with small trees or shrubs that are close to water. Found under loose bark on trees, tree cavities, or in rotting logs during summer. Seldom seen on the ground.

Life History: Attaches up to 2000 eggs to vegetation in shallow water. Hibernates under tree roots or matted leaves.

Voice: A loud, resonating trill

Conservation Threats: Species is secure


The Green Frog
(Rana clamitans melanota)

State Rank Status: Widespread and secure

Distribution: Throughout NH

Description: A 2-4 inch green or brownish frog with prominent ridges along each side of the back that branch from a large disc (the tympanum) behind the each eye. The ridges terminate before reaching the groin area.

Commonly Confused Species: Bullfrog, Mink frog

Habitat: Found in a variety of permanent and semi-permanent freshwater habitats including the shorelines of ponds, lakes, and streams, vernal pools, moist woodlands, bogs, and ditches.

Life History: During spring and summer, large numbers of eggs are coated in masses of jelly and attached to submerged vegetation in permanent water. Females may lay two clutches per year.

Voice: Like the twang of a banjo string, usually given a single note at a time. Often gives a startled yelp as it leaps away.

Conservation Threats: Species is secure.

HEY, NOW LET’S FIND THAT Northern Leopard Frog and we need photos and documentation on our Spotted Turtles!