Did you know at least one tributary feeding Manchaug Pond is documented by Mass Wildlife as a “significant coldwater fisheries resource” supporting native brook trout populations?
(photo courtecy of Trout Unlimited)
A 2008 electrofishing survey recorded 120 native brook trout as well as white suckers, yellow bullheads and blacknose dace.
(MPA file photo June 2008)
If the presence of brook trout is old news to you, you may be interested to know that the Assistant Director of MassWildlife/Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Programs, Dr. Thomas French,PhD, submitted testimony to the Sutton Conservation Commission during the SCC public hearing process stating that last year’s survey team found “that the drawdown had created a disconnect between the stream and the pond…. Therefore, the project must not in any way diminish the ability of the river or the tributary to support coldwater and stocked trout species.”
If you are interested in learning more about our coldwater fisheries and how to protect them, this workshop if for you!
Trout Stream Magic!
Join us for a two-part program to learn about native brook trout streams – our most pristine waterways – and how to protect them. Trout streams, or cold water fisheries, contribute the highest quality of water to Blackstone River headwater tributaries and the mainstem. The cool, highly oxygenated water provides habitat for trout and other sensitive organisms. They need extra protection from urban influences, and you can help.
Come learn more about the inner workings of trout streams from leaf litter to the mystery of macroinvertebrates to the elusive brook trout. Part 1 is an evening presentation by Trout Unlimited, and Part 2 is a field trip to Worcester area’s three cold water fishery streams – Coal Mine Brook, Poor Farm Brook, and Sewell Brook – to really feel the magic of trout streams. Anglers welcome!
Part 1: Thursday, June 11, 7:00 pm
Leaders: Donna Williams and Trout Unlimited Experts
Location: Broad Meadow Brook Visitor Center, 414 Massasoit Road, Worcester
This program will include a PowerPoint presentation about trout habitat, a demonstration/display of live macro invertebrates that inhabit trout streams, and a demonstration of the art of fly-tying.
Part 2: Saturday, June 13, 9:30 am – noon
Leaders: Donna Williams and TU Experts
Location: Meet at Broad Meadow Brook Visitor Center, 414 Massasoit Road, Worcester
Using Coal Mine Brook in Worcester as a case study, put your newfound knowledge about trout streams to the test. Then we’ll explore other beautiful trout streams in the Lake Quinsigamond watershed. Van transportation is available for the first 10 registrants.
Co-sponsored by Trout Unlimited and the Blackstone River Coalition.
Open to families with children ages 12 and up.
Fee for each program: Adults – $5.00 Mass Audubon/TU members, $7.00 nonmembers; Children ages 12 through 16 – $3.00 MAS/TU members, $4.00 nonmembers.
Please register by calling Broad Meadow Brook Visitor Center at 508-753-6087.
This program is part of the Campaign for a Fishable/Swimmable Blackstone River by 2015
Donna M. Williams, Conservation Advocacy Coordinator
Mass Audubon
Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary and Conservation Center
414 Massasoit Road
Worcester, MA 01604
508-753-6087 x 18
Mass Audubon – Protecting the Nature of Massachusetts: Join Us!
A special MPA thank you to Lisa Mosczynski for getting the Manchaug Pond tributary inspected and classified! AND to MassWildlife staff Richard Hartley and Todd Richard, Fisheries Biologists and Leana Fontaine, Fisheries Technician.