Yes we did received rain today at Manchaug Pond – once early this morning, late this afternoon and then again this evening. But while the east side of Sutton was loosing power with thousands of others, and Auburn and Grafton were having wind, torrential rain and hail the size of ice cubes, here over the lake we found a rainbow after just and inch of rain.
I find that is often the case on Manchaug Pond. Last week friends in Connecticut reported a frost. None here. We often can safely plant in mid May without worry of loosing the plants to frost. Memorial Day was that traditional weekend for planting. Last summer and even this spring, rain storms were all around us but seem to part away over the lake. Then there was the ice storm which missed the lake area with the line of damage just starting on Lackey Road.
I am not saying we don’t get our share as we often have cooler temps, wind and storms that seem to circle back.
Sutton Conservation Commission requested the dam owner put a rain gauge at the Manchaug Pond Dam rather than rely on the gauge at the Douglas mill. Wise idea as the weather is different here on the lake.