(photo taken at the August 2004 MPA Annual Meeting & Picnic – No names please and I did not get permission to post this photo so if one of you three mind – let me know and I’ll remove it immediately. Thanks.)
Well, you may have heard about it in the mailing with the info on the Healthy Lawns worshop and the Spring Clean-up, or read it earlier on this blog, or saw the signs posted around the lake roads, or maybe the postcard is in your mailbox today … if not, here it is again – a notice for the MPA ANNUAL SPRING SOCIAL!
MPA Members are invited to come together for our Annual Spring Social!
Over a coffee and danish in the YMCA Dining Hall, this year’s conversation will focus on the water level and the water quality of our lake.
9:00 – Make and renew friendships with lake neighbors over coffee and danish.
9:30 – What’s with the Waterlevel! MPA President Dave Schmidt will give an overview as to why the change in the waterlevel this spring; highlighting our cooperative efforts with the Town of Sutton, the Office of Dam Safety, and the Governor’s Administration with DEP to close the dam. Looking at the situation today, the MPA Board is seeking your input and vote as to the future course of action to be taken.
11:00 – Donna Williams, President of the Blackstone River Coalition, will speak on the Campaign for a Fishable/Swimable Blackstone River by 2015, including their “Tackling Stormwater in the Blackstone Watershed” initiative, Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Water Quality in the Blackstone River Watershed, and their farm and horse owner’s guides. She will inform us as to the volunteer water quality monitoring program and the BRC Water Quality Report card, highlighting sites near Manchaug Pond. The focus will be on the holistic picture of the entire watershed and how Manchaug Pond and the Mumford River watershed fit in, and what folks can do to
help. Ms. Williams is also the Mass Audubon Conservation Advocacy Coordinator and a Commissioner on the John H.Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission.
Noon – Home to enjoy the 90 degree weather!
50/50 raffle, MPA t-shirts on sale, pay your dues, sign up for a committee or speak to the Nominating Committee to get elected to the Board of Directors at the August Annual Meeting. In any case…. I’ll see you there!