Here’s a photo of the dam at Whitin Reservoir in Douglas, the residents of Whitin share our concern of a low waterlevel.
Both Manchaug and Whitin’s dams are owned by the same parent company. With the closing of their mill in Douglas, the contents of the mill was sold off, the mill put up for sale, and the local staff reduced to two employees. The mill utilized the flow of the Mumford River from Manchaug and Whitin to wash the fabric produced at the mill and for their own sewage plant. The water of both Manchaug and Whitin shared this load. Today, no longer needed by the mill, the waters remain a valuable resource for the residents of both lakes and for the downstream activities including the Town of Douglas’ sewerage treatment plant which request 16 cubic feet of continuous flow.
In addition to its shoreline residents, Manchaug is also of prime importance to thousands of visitors year round. Many recreational boaters,individuals and families and bass and canoe/kayak clubs who come through the state Public Access Boat Ramp each day or with organized event and tournaments. The lake is also the home of the YMCA Camp Blanchard facility who buses in children for their day camp throughout the summer and have many groups rent their fields and buildings for games and private events. Manchaug Pond also brings in tourism dollars to the area through the three campground on her shores and another at the inlet on Aldrich Pond. And don’t forget the beautify views afforded to the visitors of the Water’s Farm living history museum, donated by past MPA secretary Dorothea Waters Moran to the town of Sutton.