Manchaug Pond Foundation Water Quality

Sutton Mandates 15-0-5 Fertilizers ONLY

With the warmer temperatures of the weekend, the
lawns are greening up, the trees are budding and the forsythia will
soon be in bloom. Before you head to the garden center for fertilizer,
crab grasspreventer or weed and feed or spend your money putting the
care of your landscape with a company… you may wish to educate
yourself as to the best options and techniques for your lawn, the
watershed you live in, and your pocketbook and take a look at your
town’s local bylaws and regulations. If you live in the Blackstone
River watershed register for Thursdays Healthy Lawn and Landscape
Workshop given byDEP and sponsored by the Manchaug Pond Association. (See post below.)

Last September, the Town of Sutton’s Conservation Commission adopted more
stringent regulations in addition to their local bylaw regulatinglakeshore
activities by further regulating fertilizer use and tree cutting. I believe the intent was to call attention to our watersheds and look for the protection of our lakes,ponds and rivers. This ad makes it clear that activities in the watershed directly effect our water resources. Fertilizing around the home landscape can result in runoff which fertilizes our lakes promoting aquatic weed growth. The regulations are as follows:

— Any application of fertilizer on any lawn, landscaping, garden,
orchard, filed or within 100 feet of any resource area or 200 feet any
body of water be 15-0-5 zero phosphate, slow release.

(To identify local regulation or bylaws check
the link to the right for the MA Conservation Commissions or call your
local Conservation Commission.)

So remember…
-Keep fertilizer use to a minimum-only use if a soil test indicates the need
-Use fertilizer as directed
-Use a non-phosphorus fertilizer when you decide fertilizing is necessary
-Use native grasses and shrubs to reduce the need for extra watering
-Leave natural undisturbed buffer strips to protect lake shore

And register for the Healthy Lawns workshop at