Last night’s Manchaug Pond…
This morning I noticed… the silence.
6:45 a.m. Besides a few songbirds chirping, there was silence – no boats, no jetskis, no music, no talking, and no roosters crowing in the distance.
7:05 a.m. The same… silence.
7:10 a.m. One bass boat roaring out of the channel from the Public Boat Ramp. One boat. Just one!
Why the silence? On the boat front, there are no fishing tournaments listed for this weekend and next! Two weeksends of sleeping late if you like or two weeksends of early morning peace 🙂 Click the title of this post to link to the state ramp schedule to see for yourself.
If you are new to Manchaug Pond and the MPA, the State Public Access Boat Ramp used to open before 6:00 a.m. with the count and the roar of the bass boats occuring minutes later. It was at an MPA Annual Meeting inwhich our members asked John Hebert, then the Sutton Police Chief if the time could be delayed a bit. With a definite “yes” and a siting of current laws on allowable noise and reasonable times, immediate action was taken. Our thanks to Mr. Hebert who has since retired from the Police Dept, but continues to serve the community as a recently elected member of the Sutton Board of Selectman.
I should note that prior to the MPA’s strong support and request for the Town management of the State Boat ramp, there was no gate or gatekeeper to monitor use of the ramp. User came round the clock, and once the parking spaces were filled, parked along the roadsides and on neighboring lawns. The gate is now closed when the ramp is full, and at 10:00 p.m. seven days a week and opened in the morning thanks to the dedication of our town gatekeeper.