A MPA member called the MPA President today from Florida for an update an lake events as he hasn’t gotten his Massachusetts mail in awhile. So if you haven’t gotten your mail from the Town, or the MPA newsletter, here’s the latest meeting announcement!
The Sutton Board of Selectman has called a public meeting “with the abutters of the Pond to hear your support and concerns.” The Meeting will be held this
Thursday, March 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sutton Senior Center on Hough Road in South Sutton. (Off of Whitins Road ) The Board of Selectman explained in their letter, “We have heard many discussions by the association about the benefits of forming such a district, but as a Board we feel that we have yet to actually hear from the Sutton residents…”
The MPA encourages all to attend, both Douglas and Sutton property owners on Manchaug Pond, with waterrights and, if you like, those who rent or have other interests. You do not have to be a registered voter or a Sutton resident to attend and voice your opinion.
If you cannot attend the meeting Thursday, the Board ask that you contact them in writing: Selectman Chairman, Sutton Town Hall, 4 Uxbridge Road, Sutton, MA 01590,
Or participate in the Public Comment Period during the Board’s regularly scheduled meetings at 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every month,
Or email Selectman Clerk for the Board at Fattman4sutton@gmail.com
See you there!