I almost forgot to tell you! Turn on the TV to the Sutton cable station for the Board of Selectman’s meeting to see for yourself …
… last Tuesday night Manchaug Pond and the MPA were on the agenda of the Sutton’s Board of Selectman’s meeting – a few times to our surprise!
Third on the agenda, the MPA asked the Town of Sutton to support our move to form a watershed district. MPA Attorney Walter Jabs Jr. came before the Board with the MPA President who also was their representing the MPA, Douglas and water property owners and with the MPA Corresponding Secretary who is a Sutton resident with water rights.
To our pleasant surprise, State Rep. Jennifer Callahan followed us to announce to the town that the MPA had secured a large grant from the state! She was very supportive of our efforts to preserve and improve the water quality of Manchaug Pond. :))
We will be meeting with the Town of Douglas next. I’ll let you know how it goes.
This photo appears on the cover of the Grant application!