Sutton Police Renew Committment to Lake Patrols

Tuesday’s Telegram reports the Sutton Police Department is planning to step up their Lake Patrol program on Manchaug, Singletary and Ramshorn Ponds. Two recent lake deaths, one on Quinsig and the other on Stoneville Pond in Auburn, have the police looking to prevent such fatalities on the town’s lakes. In recent years, sightings of the police boat have been rare! It was actually the lake associations of the three ponds which years ago asked police to patrol the ponds as the number of boats made the lakes dangerous. The MPA worked with the chief and officers to secure a boat, equipment and funding for officer hours. The MPA also donated $$$$ to get the program started.

Today, the Sutton Police want you follow the boating laws and be ready as they routinely perform safety inspections on the boats they meet. Remember that you need a life jacket (accessable – not stowed away!) for each person, a fire extinguisher and horn, and a ladder if you are swimming, tubing or skiing. Sutton also has an open container bylaw which means no drinking on the lake! They will enforce no matter if you are on the Douglas or Sutton side.

If you see a problem on the lake you wish to report, call the Sutton police at 508-865-4449.

Thanks to an MPA member in Area 5 for the great photo!